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InnoCentive Challenges: Chemistry

Thursday, 30 September 2010

Materials Science and Engineering Defined: Protect your laptop -

Protect your laptop -

NB. All main passwords now proteced

Thursday, 9 September 2010

Materials Science and Engineering Defined: Creativity, Invention, Innovation - Innovation Sells

Materials Science and Engineering Defined: Creativity, Invention, Innovation - Innovation Sells: "This series of posts arise from a pointer from my latest September 2010 Issue of Materials World, Institute of Materials Minerals and Mining (IOM3) house journal, Materials World (MW). Our professional development p.19, reported on (improving) 'Connecting research with creativity' the article title."

Friday, 14 May 2010

UN science chief defends IPCC-Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, work, welcomes review

AMSTERDAM – The head of the U.N. scientific body on climate change defended Friday the work of the thousands of scientists who contribute to its reports, even as he welcomed a review of procedures that produced errors undermining the panel's public credibility.

The chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Rajendra Pachauri, cautioned an independent scientific committee reviewing the IPCC's work not to undermine scientists' motivation for contributing to reports on global warming.

Recently its reports have been dismissed (undermined) by climate skeptics who attribute global warming to natural cycles. The skeptics were bolstered by a series of errors in the IPCC's 2007 report.

Pachauri told the committee's first review meeting that the panel's conclusions are valid, even in areas where mistakes were discovered.

Pointing to the most glaring error, a claim that the world's glaciers will melt by 2035, Pachauri said glaciers are indeed melting, though not that fast. Nonetheless, glacial melt accounts for 28 percent of sea level rise, and the panel's assessment on glaciers contains "a lot of facts which we can ignore at our peril."

Pachauri said the panel is comprised of volunteer scientists contributing several years of their own time and who disband after issuing their report. The panel has no mechanism for responding to criticism once the reports are issued, other than the small secretariat.

"We need to develop an ability and a capacity to communicate better with the outside world," he told the 15 top scientists from around the world summoned to sit on the review committee..

He said the panel's procedures already are robust, but he welcomed any suggestion that would improve accuracy.

The review is expected to take several weeks before it issues recommendations on how to tighten the IPCC procedures.

Its up to the individual whom he chooses to believe in these issues.

He can choose between either the largest body of the worlds best and most recognised scientists and experts of all times brought together to study this most important or a relatively small number of specialist sceptics and a large number of lay persons with little or no recognised scientific or engineering training in such vast and complex fields as to the probable outcomes.

I know which group I would choose to place my faith.

en référence à :

"He said the panel's procedures already are robust, but he welcomed any suggestion that would improve accuracy. The review is expected to take several weeks before it issues recommendations on how to tighten the IPCC procedures."
- UN science chief defends work, welcomes review - Yahoo! News (afficher sur Google Sidewiki)

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Free Access to Maney Publishing-Publisher of IOM3-Institute of Materials Minerals and Mining Edited Journals

Quick: Please join us in
Materials Science and Engineering spotlight

Journal of the Month: Materials Science and Technology

Top 10 papers for materials science and engineering journals freely available online, chose from any or all of 11 journals, marked with an asterisk * in the list of 24 journals with free content
scroll down to full list.

Shre your impression with questions,comments and suggestions to this blog and/or the publishers.

This and more.

en référence à : Maney Publishing - Material Science & Engineering Spotlight (afficher sur Google Sidewiki)

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

NPL-UK's National Physical Laboratory open day

If you are in the area, this is a fair offer:
Tea, coffee and soft drinks will be provided.
The is also an invitation to use the staff resturant.

However for those of you, the majority of us, too far away NPL's website and many free online publications and newsletters are well worth the time spent.

Enjoy your visit.

en référence à :

"Tea, coffee and soft drinks will be provided"
- (afficher sur Google Sidewiki)

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Create the Future_Design Contest 2010 from COMSOL Start date 01 March 2010.

This appears to be an interesting, helpful and rewarding approach to innovation from one of the leaders in commercial multiphysics modelling.

Comsol also provides a rich selection of freely available resource items, Conference reports on CD, white papers etc. which reminds me, I must pick-up the lastest. CD.

Should readers require a network partner, please check my blog posts for senior experience and multidisciplinary areas of competence.

As you will have seen from my RHS menu bar, I am a member of professional networks such as Linkedin, and ReseachGate.

If in doubt drop me a line via one or other (or all) of my sites or network communities with this post reference.

en référence à : Create the Future Design Contest ::Create the Future (afficher sur Google Sidewiki)

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Materials Science and Engineering Defined: Nanoscale,Nanomaterials_Basics_Calculate numbers of surface to volume atoms and much more.

Materials Science and Engineering Defined: Nanoscale,Nanomaterials_Basics_Calculate numbers of surface to volume atoms and much more.

NB. Embedded Google book (EB) trial, read on and scroll down for relevent pages.
and first experience with Wolfram Alpha. Both postive, a pleasure.

Nanoscale, nanoscience, nanomaterials,nanotechnology: Back-to-Basics.

Monday, 1 March 2010

Friday, 19 February 2010

InnoCentive > Challenges > Chemistry

Check the following feed (RSS) regularly:

InnoCentive Challenges: Chemistry

You will find particularly motivating chemistry (physical-chemistry) related current problems to solve. The virtual office provides in-depth back-ground information on real-life materials chemistry and science based theoretical, technological and engineering problems to solve, many of which are cryingly urgent for many of the worlds populations. Complimentary information is provided upon solver request by InnoCentive's managing scientists who are in contact with both solution seekers (clients) and solvers (you and me).

Delays are short so check the link regularly, bookmark them and do not hesitate to contact me for any further assistance, co-operation, caring and sharing.

I have also included a rapid and permanently placed access link, RSS feed widget centred under the header block and also at the page foot, on my site-blog listings, centred block.