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Materials Chemistry-Defined

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InnoCentive Challenges: Chemistry

Monday, 19 April 2010

Materials Science and Engineering Defined: Crystal Growth Detection System sought -Innocentive Challenge_Solver Teamwork encouraged

Materials Science and Engineering Defined: Crystal Growth Detection System sought -Innocentive Challenge_Solver Teamwork encouraged

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Free Access to Maney Publishing-Publisher of IOM3-Institute of Materials Minerals and Mining Edited Journals

Quick: Please join us in
Materials Science and Engineering spotlight

Journal of the Month: Materials Science and Technology

Top 10 papers for materials science and engineering journals freely available online, chose from any or all of 11 journals, marked with an asterisk * in the list of 24 journals with free content
scroll down to full list.

Shre your impression with questions,comments and suggestions to this blog and/or the publishers.

This and more.

en référence à : Maney Publishing - Material Science & Engineering Spotlight (afficher sur Google Sidewiki)

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

NPL-UK's National Physical Laboratory open day

If you are in the area, this is a fair offer:
Tea, coffee and soft drinks will be provided.
The is also an invitation to use the staff resturant.

However for those of you, the majority of us, too far away NPL's website and many free online publications and newsletters are well worth the time spent.

Enjoy your visit.

en référence à :

"Tea, coffee and soft drinks will be provided"
- (afficher sur Google Sidewiki)